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How one child could save the world.
We don't like to talk about it, but looking around at the state of the world you wouldn't be too crazy to conclude that maybe, just...

Eight reasons Gen Only is happier than the rest of us.
Parents fear having an only child because they worry he or she will be unhappy. They imagine a child sadly playing board games alone with...

Is spoiled even a thing?
The fear of accidentally ‘spoiling’ their first child is one of the main reasons parents choose to have a second. I guess, the logic...

5 ways the new 'only' is different from the old one.
When you talk to adult only children they often talk negatively about growing up without siblings and I can imagine it must have been...

Why your old age isn't a good reason to have more children.
One of the most common arguments against stopping at one child is the fear that caring for elderly parents alone is an overwhelming...
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